Thursday, June 23, 2011

Who's in charge?

In order to get success & accomplish things all of us require a minimum level of inner satisfaction. And to accomplish the bigger things, to achieve the bigger dreams, we need to raise the rhythm. We need to take the level of satisfaction to a new height. And there is no shortcut to raise this speed. It is a slow process, but if the process is followed whole-heartedly, the success is just a formality.

This process can be called as ‘Tapping your inner strengths’. Although many things in life are beyond anyone’s control, we do have a great deal of control over many circumstances and conditions. All that we need is a little edge. In the horse race, the winning horse wins 5 to 1 or 10 to 1. Do you think, he is five to ten times faster than the other horses? Of course not, but the rewards are five to ten times greater.

Is it fair? Who cares? It doesn’t matter at all. This is the way game is played; these are the rules of the game. Same thing applies in the race of life. Successful people are not five or ten times better or smarter than the people who fail. They may be better by a nose but the rewards they get, are ten times bigger.

That is why; philosophers have stated, ‘Pursue excellence and the success will follow.’ So, what exactly is ‘tapping your inner strengths’?  We are not superheroes to tap our inner-strengths & conquer the evil things. We are ordinary people with extra-ordinary visions. And to reach those destinations, we need a focused life. Tapping the inner strengths deals with the focusing part.

Our thoughts, our dreams, our actions are scattered. In order to focus them, we can do following things.

We can control the things we do in our free time during the day & the evening. We can control our attitude towards the things, we can control the amount of energy we exert, and we can control our thoughts & imaginations. We can control our tongue. We can choose whether to be silent or to speak. We can choose our tone & our words. We can choose our role-models. We can decide, with whom to communicate. We can choose the reaction & how to play the cards. Most important of all, we can control our concerns & worries.

We can control thousands of such things. We are the in-charge of our mind & body. Nobody else has any control over it. To enrich the quality of life, what we have to do, is just, control. The universe starts with our mind. If we have the control over our mind, we have the control over the universe.

Therefore, whenever in life, the tough period comes and you feel like running away from your life, just stand still, take a deep breath & ask your mind, who is in charge? Me or you? The mind will touch your feet & say that, ‘my lord, you are the in charge. So, shift the gears & take the charge of your life. Handle it the desired way; remember you’re the master of your life.

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